PACON Enterprises Limited is the company which actually deals with various businesses as follows:

  1. Selling clean and safe water for drinking and other domestic uses. PACON Enterprises Ltd owns water stations where people can find this most important basic need for our lives. PACON WATER STATIONS provide safe and clean water at affordable prices. People from ares where PACON WATER STATIONS are available, can now get this services near their homes. Most of PACON WATER STATION are in Simiyu and Mara regions. The company is getting bigger day after day and we are planning to increase the number of stations and expand our market to other regions where this service is needed.
  2. Production and packaging of agricultural food products. Pacon Enterprises Limited owns maize and rice plantations. After harvesting, both maize and rice are processed and packed, ready to enter the market.
  3. Designing, fabricating and selling different types of biogas digesters of different sizes. the company produces digesters for home uses. PACON DIGESTERS are of high quality and maximum gas yield.
  4. Designing and creating excel templates for various uses.
  5. writing and publishing science magazines for physics, chemistry and biology practicals for secondary school students (A level and O level) and teachers for learning and teaching purposes. Pacon Science magazines are prepared in collaboration of laboratory scientists and qualified teachers in those particular subjects.

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